Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ribbon, Ribbon and More Ribbon!

I'm so excited about the new American Crafts ribbon assortment that has just arrived in our Seattle and Shoreline stores! With over 400 different styles to choose from, it's like being in a candy store. There is a perfect ribbon for any project from wedding invitations to scrapbook pages to cards-even clothing embellishments. A full range of colors are offered in the simple grosgrains, satins and sheers:

Plus there are some great embellished ribbons like these scalloped velvets and gathered satins:

I find this rose ribbon particularly intriguing. It's great for adding texture to cards and scrapbook pages.

Right now this is only in our Seattle and Shoreline stores, but we hope to get it into all of the other stores soon if we have a good response.

Let us know what you think!



  1. OMGosh... It's so yummy that I kind of want to lick it (but I won't).
    ; )

  2. I love this ribbon. I have it in black and it is fabulous! Looks great in mini albums too!
